Friday, March 20, 2009

a lovely day

alrighty people...i have a test tonight. just throwing it out there...if ya wanna whisper a prayer, i'd appreciate it. it's a test that will give me phase 2 liberty. i can wear civilian clothes, drive my car, come home on the weekends :) , leave base on the weekends and all that fun stuff. so yay! i want to pass it! not many people do on the first try, but i would love to do it.

other than that...i got to pt today and yesterday! i never thought i would get excited about doing push ups and running. (among other things) yesterday we got to swim. alright...i can swim but im no michael phelps. just sayin. we swam for an hour straight and i never realized just how tiring it is! it is an awesome workout! however halfway thru i just started singing dory's song from finding nemo. "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." and i made it. lol. ofcourse i got a little tickled and took in a bit of water, but it was funny. no blue angel sightings today, but im hoping to see them again next week. it's like, you go into top gun mode and get all pumped up! hehe. okay, im rambling on so i am going to go back for muster. have a great day!!!!


  1. Hayli you are too funny! I so hope you pass your test! I will say a special prayer for you!!!!

  2. I will pray for you!!! Let me know how you do.

  3. Good luck! You will do great! man, will all that working out and swimming you are gonna be the most fit at our 10 year reunion. My goal is to just walk more than one day a month or year. lol

  4. Girl, you and those Disney songs. I think you should be working in Orlando as a charater.LOL
    It was great to see you, Sunday!

  5. Great to see you this weekend. I know it was an added joy for your Mom with all she's going through.
